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The world of cryptocurrency is constantly evolving. Here you will find all you need to teach your child basic crypto-financial literacy and stay on top of the latest trends.

children learn about crypto from their friends, not from their parents
  • Parents avoid or delay important conversations about crypto with their children
  • Parents don't feel knowledgeable enough about crypto to teach this to their children
  • Children turn to social media or to their peers to gain (fragmented or inaccurate) insights on crypto
  • Youngsters grow up with an insufficient or biased understanding of the risks relating to cryptocurrencies
Taught by Sanaa Voss, Certified Crypto Finance Expert
Meet Sanaa: Watch her latest podcast>

 Don't miss our live sessions!


There are Two Live Sessions available every month for each part. You will be able to choose / change session date after you sign up.

Part 1: Two live sessions available each month

(You will be able to choose / change your session date after you sign up.)


1. MONEY: its forms and roles through the ages
2. THE ROLE of financial intermediaries
3. BITCOIN: what it is and why it is the new age money
4. ETHEREUM: the world’s virtual assets machine
5. The crypto market landscape
6. WEB3, NFTs and the METAVERSE: the new digital economy

Part 2: Two live sessions available each month

(You will be able to choose / change your session date after you sign up.)


1. The guidelines to keep in mind when adding crypto to one’s portfolio
2. We will guide you in setting up wallets and getting started with buying crypto and NFTs.

After this session: 
✓ You will have your first Crypto Wallet opened 
✓ You will have bought your first cryptocurrency and transferred it to your crypto wallet 
✓ You will have learned which NFT marketplaces to browse and what to pay attention to 
✓ You will know how to search for NFTs, which criteria to look out for 
✓ You will know how to buy and sell your NFTsWe will also go through the guidelines on when to know that your child is ready for crypto, and how to help them navigate the space safely

3. We will also go through the guidelines on when to know that your child is ready for crypto, and how to help them navigate the space safely

Are you putting your child at disadvantage by not taking responsibility for their Crypto-Finance Education?


Give your child the 
crypto-skills they need

As a parent, it's your RESPONSIBILITY to prepare your child for their future, teaching them how to navigate the crypto-space and understand how digital assets will impact the economy and the world they live in.

Crypto Parenting - Part 1

Live session on the history and principles of money and cryptocurrencies; the role of finance and financial intermediaries; blockchain 
- web3, NFTs and metaverse. All you need to know to familiarize with the crypto-space and be ready to guide your child into web3.

Crypto Parenting - Part 2

Now that you know the basics, what should you keep in mind when adding crypto to your portfolio? Live session on how to set up crypto-wallets, buy crypto and NFTs. And most importantly, as you guide your child on their journey, how to ensure they stay safe?

Actionable Toolkits

A dedicted toolkit to facilitate your Crypto Parenting journey. Put learning into practice and get your kids highly engaged:
- Frequently Asked Questions 
- Crypto-parenting tips
- Safety guidelines for your and your child

Sanaa Voss

Cryptofinance Expert & DLT (Decentralised Ledger Technology) Innovation Advocate
& Financial Parenting Coach


Hi, I’m Sanaa and I’m keen to open up the world of crypto to you.
I grew curious about blockchain and crypto for a while, before delving into the topic. I have immersed myself in the space, reading through hundreds of articles, taking several courses, and became a Certified Crypto Finance Expert.
It took me a good dose of critical thinking and effort to connect the dots, to see clearly through it all. Only then I asked myself: "why couldn't anyone explain it to me in a simple way?"
It is the desire to go back and explain to my "younger self" the important elements in a clear and holistic way, that made me keen to bring this content to you.
As a parent, explaining the topic to my own my children was a test for me. If they could grasp it, then I am doing a good job onboarding them into a world that will become part of their daily life few years from now. I was in your shoes, and I will share my experience in a clear, hands-on way.

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